Thursday, March 18, 2010


I shouldn't make light of this because it's likely something I would do...but there is a company out there who will turn the ashes of a deceased loved one into a diamond for you. No joke. Apparently they can extract the carbon from a lock of hair or existing cremated remains and convert the carbon to graphite, and then a rough diamond crystal to wear. According to some info I got in the mail, you can even have your pet turned into a diamond, and in 2007 such a diamond was made from the remains of Ludwig van Beethoven and auctioned off for $202,700 on ebay for a charity in support of underprivileged children. Part of me wants to laugh, part of me takes it seriously, and part of me is just amazed by the idea.

1 comment:

  1. I had heard of that company, but decided to go with DNA2Diamonds because of the color choices and really beautiful settings that DNA2Diamonds had. I wanted to take the ashes of my dog, who was very special to me, into a diamond so that he would be with me always. Check them out, I think they have better prices too.
