Friday, November 25, 2011


Theo Jansen is an artist and kinetic sculptor from The Hague, Netherlands. He is known for his invention of what he calls "strandbeests" which are large, animal-like skeletons fashioned from plastic tubes that are able to walk on the beaches using the power of the wind. He has been creating these since 1990 and has since been striving to equip them with the ability to better and better resist the elements and avoid obstacles. The creatures are also able to store air pressure that enables them to move in the absence of wind. A couple of his machines are sophisticated to the point where they can detect that they have entered water and walk away from it, and one machine will even anchor itself to the ground when it senses a storm approaching. It's a dream of Jansen's to one day put his creatures out in herds on the beach to live their own lives.
Here is one he called Animaris Gubernare.

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